‘Shopping for Politics’ - Does young people’s relationship with brands affect their relationship with politics?
Lauren Aisha Russ-Constant
Bournemouth University
This research paper will investigate whether young people’s relationship with brands affects their relationship with politics. In recent years the issue of youth political participation has become a highly contested one. It has become a circular discussion with no definitive answers. Between the ages of 18-24 young people experience a number of uncertainties, and they are now seeking structure in consumption. With the recent commodification of politics and the emergence of ‘political brands’, politics is now just another product on the shelf. This paper will adopt a qualitative approach that will take the form of 2 focus groups and 5 interviews. The findings suggest that political parties are, unbeknown to them, competing with brands for the hearts and minds of young people. Young people are looking for guidance, attention and control; brands now offer them that, subconsciously providing them with the crutch they need to be able to reject party politics.References
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